"Smart Environments & The Convergence of the Veillances: Privacy Violat" by Christine Perakslis, Katina Michael et al.

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Best paper submission for the Fifth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies (SMART 2016) in Valencia, Spain.


As a vast array of embedded smart devices will connect to the IoT (Internet of Things), society is rapidly moving into the unchartered territory of Pervasive Technology. Networks of devices will be unobtrusive; thereby freeing humans from the effort of human-to-machine (H2M) interactions, as well as elements of everyday decision-making. Technology will be far more intelligent and ubiquitous, thinking and acting for us behind the lines of visibility. The purpose of this paper is to probe the attributes of pervasive technologies (e.g. smart environments) within the context of the rapidly converging four veillances (i.e. surveillance, dataveillance, sousveillance, and uberveillance), so as to critically identify potential risk events of these processes. The authors utilized a philosophical research approach with intellectual analysis taking into account a framework of privacy border crossings violations for humans so as to yield value judgments and thereby generate discussion in the technology community.


Copyright (c) IARIA, 2016



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