ScholarsArchive@JWU | Johnson & Wales University Research

ScholarsArchive@JWU Policies and Submissions Instructions

Who Can Participate

The ScholarsArchive@JWU is organized by communities and authors, which consist of academic or other departments of Johnson & Wales University. Individual faculty and staff may self-publish, or they may choose to submit all work to the Scholars Archive Coordinator for publication. Any proposals for new collections of work must be submitted to the ScholarsArchive Coordinator in order to establish parameters and workflow processes. Collections of student scholarship can be published, but students are not allowed to self-publish. Student work must be vetted by the corresponding professor or department and a Submission Form & Permission Agreement must be submitted to the Scholars Archive Coordinator before publication.

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Guidelines for Submitting Content

  • The work must be produced or sponsored by Johnson & Wales University faculty or staff member, student, administrator, or an organization or department.
  • The work must be scholarly in nature, whether it’s considered a creative work, research oriented, or is of institutional significance.
  • The author must own the copyright to all components and content within the work, or have received and shown permission to have the material available within the submission to the ScholarsArchive@JWU. The Scholars Archive Coordinator can assist authors to determine publisher permissions and provide guidance and resources for author addendums to existing publisher agreements.
  • Contributors may include non-affiliated scholars if they are co-authoring with Johnson & Wales University authors or are affiliated closely with the University, e.g., emeritus professors, or honorary appointment or degree recipients.
  • Content not authored by Johnson & Wales affiliates may be added to the repository as long as appropriate permission has been obtained by the sponsoring community, and the sponsoring community takes responsibility for enforcement of related policies. Examples of such content include works collected by the Library; works by non-affiliates but presented at Johnson & Wales University conferences or other events.
  • There is no formal limit to size of material.
  • Most file formats, including multimedia, is acceptable.

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Examples of Publishing and Showcase Capabilities

  • Peer-reviewed Journals
  • Published articles when copyright and/or license allow
  • Working papers
  • Conference proceedings
  • Event Management
  • Departmental and organizational newsletters
  • Graduate Student Dissertations & Theses
  • Undergraduate Student Honors projects
  • Image and archival collections in almost any publishable format
  • University strategic documents
  • Organizational annual reports
  • Datasets
  • Monographs

To see examples of publishing and showcase capabilities, visit Digital Commons at Bepress.

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Author Rights

  • The author retains the copyright for all works submitted.
  • The author is free to reuse the content, but it is his/her responsibility to check the terms of the publication agreement if a document published in the ScholarsArchive@JWU is published elsewhere.
  • Authors may update and add to existing works
  • Creative Commons licensing is available as an option for all published works. It is up to the author to make this selection during the upload process.
  • SHERPA/Romeo provides access to publisher’s general archiving and copyright policies.

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User Rights

  • All users must respect the intellectual property rights of the author.
  • Material may be downloaded for educational research purposes provided due recognition is given to the author.
  • All Creative Commons Licenses established by the original author must be followed.
  • Material may not be copied, distributed, displayed, altered, or used for commercial.
  • purposes unless specified by the Creative Commons License established by the original author

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Notice of Original Work and Use of Copyright Protected Materials:

If your work includes images that are not original works by you, you must include permission from the original content provider or the images will not be included in the electronic copy deposited in the ScholarsArchive@JWU. If your work includes music, data sets, or other accompanying material that is not original work created by you, the same evidence of copyright permission stipulations apply. If your work includes interviews, you must include a statement that you have permission from the interviewee(s) to make their interviews public.

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Permanence of Content

Every work contributed to the ScholarsArchive@JWU generates a unique URL. The URL is permanent. In the event that the work is withdrawn a placeholder persists, informing visitors to the page that the work has been withdrawn. When selecting works for contribution, all due consideration should be given to the intended permanence of content in the ScholarsArchive@JWU. Any requests for withdrawal must be sent to the Scholars Archive Coordinator.

If a work is published at any time by a publisher who requests removal of that work from the ScholarsArchive@JWU, it is the responsibility of the author to either negotiate with the publisher to grant an exception or to notify the sponsoring Johnson & Wales department of the need to remove the work in question. The Johnson & Wales University Library is prepared to assist in an advisory capacity only.

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Administrative Role of the Library

Administrative oversight of the ScholarsArchive@JWU is maintained by Johnson & Wales University Library in Providence, RI. The Scholars Archive Coordinator serves as a liaison between content contributors and the repository platform provider, as well as any other individuals or organizations which the Library deems relevant to the operations of the ScholarsArchive@JWU, including library consortia, publishers, technology vendors, etc. Quality control over content will be shared by contributing departments and monitored by the Scholars Archive Coordinator.

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Contact Information

Meika Matook, MLIS
Reference Management Librarian
Providence Campus Libraries

Note: Parts of the information provided on the Policies/FAQ page has been modified and utilized, with permission, from Janet Sietmann, Digital Commons Coordinator, Macalester College.

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