
Ashley Zechello

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Based on qualitative research methods, this study holistically explores the value of health within the private club industry, and innovative approaches to wellness; driven by the members. For instance: (1) Employee health: clubs empower their employees to take care of themselves. This makes them stronger leads for their teams. Clubs support their employees by assisting them through educational opportunities. Members invest in their people- in return- their club operates more successfully. The Club Managers Association of America's (CMAA) mission is lifelong continuous growth in education and professionalism. (2) Member health: as society looks at member health, an increasing emphasis on fitness centers, and healthy foods. (3) Community health: clubs support local businesses and their town; clubs want to be a part of something larger than the organization itself. (4) Environmental health: members emphasize the importance of being sustainable. High-sustainability clubs often attract younger members, and having younger members helps ensure the succession of the club. Moreover, while the novel coronavirus has brought ongoing hardships to the club industry- including staffing, it also deepened the value of wellness and outreach to the community.

Faculty Mentor

Matthew Samel, PhD, MBA

Academic Discipline

BS - Hospitality Management



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