"A Glimpse into Sustainability in the Culinary Kitchen" by Alexa Formato


Alexa Formato

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Background: Eating sustainably has been becoming more and more popular for the general public over the past years. As chefs it is our duty to create sustainable options not only for people to enjoy, but also for the sake of the planet. This poster summarizes a few ways to achieve this taught in Sustainability in the Culinary Kitchen. Methods: To show growth of knowledge after taking this course, connections to a prior environmental science class were expanded upon. Assumptions about types of sustainably farmed foods previously held were examined and corrected, while connecting this new information to a future food venture. Lastly, food hubs, a special and inspiring aspect of the food industry, were highlighted, including Rhode Island’s own Farm Fresh. All of this information from Sustainability in the Culinary Kitchen was compiled into a poster using Canva. Results: This created an easily digestible summary on how to be a more sustainable chef; from learning about how producing food impacts the environment to learning to use local and organic foods when possible, potentially even from a food hub. The contents of this poster are meant to inspire chefs and non-chefs alike to learn about eating sustainably and apply it to their day to day lives. Conclusion: As chefs, we have the power to change how the world views and produces food for the better. All it takes is a bit of learning, and this poster can hopefully help start that process for people. Sustainability in the Culinary Kitchen was an empowering class that taught how each of us have the potential to turn the food world into a better place, and sharing this message is important for the sake of all of our futures.

Faculty Mentor

Branden Lewis, PhD, MBA

Academic Discipline

BS - Baking & Pastry Arts, Food & Beverage Industry Management



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