The practice of circumcision and prostate cancer risk: A protective association?
Document Type
Background: Male circumcision is a common practice characterized by numerous religious and cultural connotations. The practice of male circumcision has been reported as a protective factor against the risk of Prostate cancer (PCa). Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine modern and contemporary literature and assess the extent to which circumcision as a religious and culture-based practice affects PCa risk. Methods: An extensive search using five electronic databases was conducted using key terms and phrases associated with male circumcision and PCa. Results: The search procedure identified 22 studies published between 1951 and 2014. Findings from the literature were tabulated and presented with interpretations and recommendations. Conclusions: Based on the article sample included in this study, male circumcision could serve as a prophylactic measure against PCa risk. Additional implications and unintended findings are explored.
Repository Citation
Aboul-Enein, Basil and Bernstein, Joshua, "The practice of circumcision and prostate cancer risk: A protective association?" (2014). Health & Wellness Department Faculty Publications and Research. 132.
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Citation/Publisher Attribution
Aboul-Enein, Basil H.& Bemstein, Joshua. 2014. The practice of circumcision and prostate cancer risk : a protective association?. Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society،Vol. 25, no. 2, pp.124-128.