Health & Wellness Department Faculty Publications and Research | College of Health & Wellness | Johnson & Wales University


Submissions from 2023


Interventions and Programs to Promote Breastfeeding in Arabic-Speaking Countries: A Scoping Review, Basil Aboul-Enein, Elizabeth Dodge, Nada Benajiba, and Ruth M. Mabry

Submissions from 2022


Female genital mutilation and cutting in the Arab League and diaspora: A systematic review of preventive interventions, Tolulope M. Abidogun, Leah Alyssa Ramnarine, Negin Fouladi, Janine Owens, Howeida H. Abusalih, Joshua Bernstein, and Basil Aboul-Enein


Video clips of the Mediterranean Diet on YouTube TM: A social Media Content Analysis, Nada Benajiba, Maha Alhomidi, Fahdah Alsunaid, Aljawharah Alabdulkarim, Elizabeth Dodge, Enmanuel A. Chavarria, and Basil Aboul-Enein


Peer-reviewed Nutrition-Affiliated Journals from Sub-Saharan Africa: A Regional Snapshot, Nada Benajiba, Joshua Bernstein, Basil Aboul-Enein, and Meghit Boumediene Khaled


Sally Lucas Jean, R.N. (1878–1971): Her historical legacy and lessons for contemporary public health nursing education, Bryn Carr, Elizabeth Scofield, Janine Owens, Gloria Donnelly, and Basil Aboul-Enein


A comparative review of nutrition education intervention duration and impact on reduction of prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes mellitus among adults aged 45 years or older, Christa Corgatelli, Elizabeth Dodge, Joshua Bernstein, Joanna Kruk, and Basil Aboul-Enein


Mister Rogers (1928-2003) Through the Holistic “Health & Wellness” Lens: Current and Historiographic Lessons, Nadia Judith Bijaoui, Basil Aboul-Enein, Jennifer Deranek, Lisa Ann Blankinship, and Joanna Kruk


Antioxidative properties of phenolic compounds and their effect on oxidative stress induced by severe physical exercise, Joanna Kruk, Basil Aboul-Enein, Ewa Duchnik, and Mariola Marchlewicz


Obesity, Physical Activity and Prostate Cancer: An Overview, Joanna Kruk, Joshua Bernstein, and Basil Aboul-Enein


Degree-Granting Nutrition Programs in the Republic of Yemen: A Status Report on Postsecondary Education, Miral Mansour, Basil Aboul-Enein, Elizabeth Dodge, and Nada Benajiba


Nutrition Programs of Higher Education in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: A Descriptive Snapshot, Miral Mansour, Basil Aboul-Enein, Ghadir Helal Salsa, and Nada Benajiba


Sports betting among Rhode Island young adults: A cross-sectional study, Jonathan Noel, Samantha Rosenthal, and Cara Sammartino

Submissions from 2021


Assessing Use of Caloric Information on Restaurant Menus and Resulting Meal Selection in Saudi Arabia: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior, Areej Ali Alkhathami, Areej Turki Duraihim, Fay Fallaj Almansour, Ghada Abdulaziz Alotay, Hadeel Sami Alnowaiser, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Postsecondary nutrition program education in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: A brief report, Anoud N. Bakri, Lori Bechard, Joshua Bernstein, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Technology-based nutrition interventions using the Mediterranean diet: a systematic review, Nada Benajiba, Elizabeth Dodge, Meghit Boumédiène Khaled, Enmanuel A. Chavarria, Cara J. Sammartino, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


A Narrative Review of Ethnic Minority Studies for Faith-Based Health Promotion Interventions with Special Reference to the Contemporary Christian Nurse, Lisa A. Blankinship, William A. Rouse, Joshua Bernstein, Joanna Kruk, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Farm-to-school nutrition programs with special reference to Egypt and Morocco, Tammy Hanel, Brenna Miller, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, Nada Benajiba, and Joanna Kruk


Exercise-induced oxidative stress and melatonin supplementation: current evidence, Joanna Kruk, Basil Hassan Aboul-Enein, and Ewa Duchnik

Submissions from 2020


Attitudes toward sweetened soft drinks and consumption patterns among Saudi women: A cross-sectional study, Nada Benajiba, Joshua Bernstein, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Physical activity interventions promoted in the Arabic-speaking region: A review of the current literature, Nada Benajiba, Lana Mahrous, Kaoutar Janah, Samiah F. Alqabbani, Enmanuel A. Chavarria, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Perspectives of Environmental Health Promotion and the Mediterranean Diet: A Thematic Narrative Synthesis, Laura Coats, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, Elizabeth Dodge, Nada Benajiba, Joanna Kruk, Meghit Boumédiène Khaled, Mustapha Diaf, and Salah Eddine El Herrag


Physical exercise and catecholamines response: benefits and health risk: possible mechanisms, Joanna Kruk, Katarzyna Kotarska, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Concussion History’s Impact On Instrumented Bess Scores In Division I Contact-Sport Athletes, Paul Ullucci

Submissions from 2019


The Education and Social Reform of Al-Azhar University: A Short Historical Commentary, Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Food Labeling Use by Consumers in Arab countries: A Scoping Review, Nada Benajiba, Lana Mahrous, Joshua Bernstein, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Can dream science be used to elicit healthy behaviors?, Nadia J. Bijaoui, Joshua Bernstein, Christine Markham, and Basil Aboul-Enein


Food-based dietary guidelines of Arabic-speaking countries: a culturally congruent profile, Laura Coats, Joshua Bernstein, Elizabeth Dodge, Lori Bechard, and Basil Aboul-Enein


Psychological Stress and Cellular Aging in Cancer: A Meta-Analysis, Joanna Kruk, Basil Aboul-Enein, Joshua Bernstein, and Magdalena Gronostaj


Perceptions of Alcohol Advertising Vary Based on Psychological Characteristics, Jonathan K. Noel, Ziming Xuan, and Thomas F. Babor


Revisiting Desmond Doss (1919–2006): Merging Combat Medicine and Benevolence on the Battlefield, William C. Puddy, Lisa A. Blankinship, Joshua Bernstein, and Basil Aboul-Enein


Using A Faculty Community of Practice To Support College Students With Mental Health Needs, Rebecca L. Simon


Reliability of Smartphone Inclinometry to Measure Upper Cervical Range of Motion, Paul Ullucci


Triggered Electrical Stimulation Cueing to Address Hypofunctioning Peroneus Muscle in the Treatment of Chronic Ankle Instability: Two Repeated Single Case Designs, Paul Ullucci, Cheryl J. Hickey, Deborah L. Walker, and Kelly R. Hosey


Correlation of Head Impact Exposures With Vestibulo-Ocular Assessments, Paul Ullucci and Theresa L. Miyashita


Reliability of Elbow Extension, Sensory Response, and Structural Differentiation of Upper Limb Tension Test A in a Healthy, Asymptomatic Population, Paul Ullucci, Sean P. Riley, Jason K. Grimes, Elizabeth Boyle, Brian Kuruc, and Tyler Naef

Submissions from 2018


Fruits and vegetables embedded in classic video games: a health-promoting potential?, Basil Aboul-Enein, Joshua Bernstein, and Joanna Kruk


The Role of the Alcohol Industry in Policy Interventions for Alcohol-Impaired Driving, Thomas F. Babor, Katherine Robaina, and Jonathan K. Noel


The current status of professional journals in dental and oral health from Arabic-speaking countries, Joshua Bernstein, Donald Altman, Janine Owens, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Peer-reviewed physical education journals from Arabic-speaking countries: a regional assessment, Joshua Bernstein, Angela Neary, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Epidemiological Study Designs: Traditional and Novel Approaches to Advance Life Course Health Development Research, S L. Buka, S R. Rosenthal, and M E. Lacey


Web-Based Research: Strengths, Weaknesses, and JSAD’s Guidance for Authors, Raul Caetano and Jonathan K. Noel


Effects of Exercise on Appetite-Regulating Hormones, Perceived Hunger, and Energy Intake: A Narrative Overview, Marsa Gleason, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, Josh Bernstein, and Joanna Kruk


The impact of junk food marketing regulations on food sales: an ecological study, Y Kovic, Jonathan K. Noel, J A. Ungemack, and J A. Burleson


Alcohol Use and Motor Vehicle Fatalities in Rhode Island, Y Lee, S R. Rosenthal, and S L. Buka


Alcohol Advertising on Facebook and the Desire to Drink Among Young Adults, Jonathan K. Noel and Thomas F. Babor


Advertising Content, Platform Characteristics and the Appeal of Beer Advertising on a Social Networking Site, Jonathan K. Noel, Thomas F. Babor, and James J. Grady


Reliability and validity of the Alcohol Marketing Assessment Rating Tool (AMART), Jonathan K. Noel, Thomas F. Babor, and Katherine Robaina


Perceptions of Alcohol Advertising among High Risk Drinkers, Jonathan K. Noel, Ziming Xuan, and Thomas F. Babor


Reducing hypovitaminosis D among Somali immigrants in Minnesota: a narrative review, Leah Qubty, Basil Aboul-Enein, Lori Bechard, Joshua Bernstein, and Joanna Kruk


The Regionalization of Public Health Services: A Review, Kristina Ramdial and Jonathan K. Noel


Alcohol industry actions to reduce harmful drinking in Europe: public health or public relations?, Katherine Robaina, Katherine Brown, Thomas F. Babor, and Jonathan K. Noel


Rhode Island Demographic Community Profiles 2018, S R. Rosenthal, J Airoldi, and S L. Buka


DCYF, Child Victimization in Rhode Island Communities, S R. Rosenthal and S L. Buka


The Internet Addiction Test in a Young Adult U.S. Population, S R. Rosenthal, M A. Clark, Y Cha, and M A. Clark


Alcohol Consequences, not Quantity, Predict Major Depression Onset among First-Year Female College Students, S R. Rosenthal, M A. Clark, B DL Marshall, S L. Buka, K B. Carey, R Shepardson, and M Carey


A Novel Approach to Reducing Workers Compensation Costs in a Multicenter Hospital System, Paul A. Ullucci, Joseph Scott, and Bradley Silverman

Submissions from 2017


Online Collaborative Learning: Opportunities for Interprofessional Education, Basil H. Aboul-Enein


“The earth is your mosque”: narrative perspectives of environmental health and education in the Holy Quran, Basil H. Aboul-Enein


‘The Quranic Garden’: Consumption of Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grains from an Islamic Perspective, Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Professional nutrition journals from Arabic-speaking countries: A regional status, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, J. Bernstein, and J. Kruk


Ancel Benjamin Keys (1904–2004): His early works and the legacy of the modern Mediterranean diet, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, William C. Puddy, and Joshua Bernstein


Coin of the Realm: Practical Procedures for Determining Authorship, Thomas F. Babor, Dominique Morisano, and Jonathan K. Noel


Infrastructure and Career Opportunities in Addiction Science : The Emergence of an Interdisciplinary Field, Thomas F. Babor, Dominique Morisano, Jonathan K. Noel, Katherine Robaina, Judit H. Ward, and Andrea L. Mitchell


Vulnerability to alcohol-related problems: a policy brief with implications for the regulation of alcohol marketing, Thomas F. Babor, Katherine Robaina, Jonathan K. Noel, and E. Bruce Ritson


A historiographic review of health education interventions and the microcomputer, Joshua Bernstein, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, James Baker, and Joanna Kruk


How to Write a Systematic Review Article and Meta-Analysis, Lenka Čablová, Richard Pates, Michal Miovský, and Jonathan K. Noel


Alcohol marketing and youth alcohol consumption: A systematic review of longitudinal studies published since 2008, David Jernigan, Jonathan K. Noel, Jane Landon, Nicole Thornton, and Tim Lobstein


Dietary alkylresorcinols and cancer prevention: a systematic review, Joanna Kruk, Basil Aboul‑Enein, Joshua Bernstein, and Mariola Marchlewicz


Addressing Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Hungarian American Populations: A Cultural Exploration of Transdisciplinary Health Promotion, Nicholas Laszlo, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, Josh Bernstein, and Joanna Kruk


Selected weight management interventions for military populations in the United States: a narrative report, Jessica Murray, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, Joshua Bernstein, and Joanna Kruk


Effect of Social Media Characteristics on Perceptions of Alcohol-Branded Social Media Content, Jonathan K. Noel


Public healthcare funding modifies the effect of out-of-pocket spending on maternal, infant, and child mortality, Jonathan K. Noel


Does industry self-regulation protect young persons from exposure to alcohol marketing, Jonathan K. Noel and Thomas F. Babor


Joe Camel in a bottle: Alcohol companies fail to follow their own ad rules during the 2017 Super Bowl, Jonathan K. Noel and Thomas F. Babor


Predicting regulatory compliance in beer advertising on Facebook, Jonathan K. Noel and Thomas F. Babor


Industry Self-regulation of alcohol marketing: A systematic review of content and exposure research, Jonathan K. Noel, Thomas F. Babor, and Katerine Robaina


Alcohol marketing in the Americas and Spain during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Tournament, Jonathan K. Noel, Thomas F. Babor, Katherine Robaina, Melissa Feulner, Alan Vendrame, and Maristela Monteiro


Alcohol industry self-regulation: Who is it really protecting, Jonathan K. Noel, Zita Lazzarini, Katherine Robaina, and Alan Vendrame


Associations between thematic content and industry self-regulation code violations in beer advertising broadcast during the U.S. NCAA basketball tournament, Jonathan K. Noel, Ziming Xuan, and Thomas F. Babor


Connecticut Public Health Association Mentors on Request: A Qualitative Study to Guide Future Planning, Kristina Ramdial, Cyndi Billian Stern, Joan Lane, and Jonathan K. Noel


Evaluating compliance with alcohol industry self-regulation in seven countries in Africa: AN EXTERNAL EVALUATION OF THE MAMPA (MONITORING ALCOHOL MARKETING PRACTICES IN AFRICA) PROJECT, Kate Robaina, Thomas F. Babor, and Jonathan K. Noel


Peer-Reviewed Veterinary Journals From Arabic-Speaking Countries: A Systematic Review, Kristen M. Robertson, Jacquelyn E. Bowser, Joshua Bernstein, and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Rhode Island Youth Marijuana 2015, Samantha R. Rosenthal and Stephen L. Buka


Substance Use and Mental Health in Rhode Island (2017): A State Epidemiological Profile, Samantha R. Rosenthal and Stephen L. Buka


Climate Patterns and Mosquito-Borne Disease Outbreaks in South and Southeast Asia, Joseph L. Servadio, Samantha R. Rosenthal, Lynn Carlson, and Cici Bauer


Dehydration Reduces Posterior Leg and Trunk Flexibility and Increases Stiffness in Male Collegiate Age Runners, Paul Ullucci, Douglas J. Casa, Tracy Dexter Matthews, and John M. Rosene

Submissions from 2016


Contemporary public health perspectives of the Holy Quran for the 21st century, Basil H. Aboul-Enein


The Mediterranean-Style Diet: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Basil H. Aboul-Enein


The role of the contemporary health educator: Revisiting the profession, Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Dietary transition and obesity in selected Arabic-speaking countries: a review of the current evidence, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, J. Bernstein, and A. C. Neary


Peer-reviewed public health journals from Arabic-speaking countries: An updated snapshot, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, Joshua Bernstein, and Jacquelyn E. Bowser


Evidence for masturbation and prostate cancer risk: Do we have a verdict?, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, Joshua Bernstein, and Michael W. Ross


The 1925 Diphtheria Antitoxin Run to Nome - Alaska: A Public Health Illustration of Human-Animal Collaboration, Basil H. Aboul-Enein, William C. Puddy, and Jacquelyn E. Bowser


The associations of selected lifestyle patterns and lung cancer risk: An evidence-based update, Joanna Kruk and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


Higher alcohol prices save lives in CT, Jonathan K. Noel and Thomas F. Babor


Response to Commentary on Disparities in Infant Mortality Due to Congenital Anomalies on Guam, Jonathan K. Noel, Sara Namazi, and Robert L. Haddock


Negative Experiences on Facebook and Depressive Symptoms among Young Adults, Samantha R. Rosenthal, Stephen L. Buka, Brandon D.L. Marshall, Kate B. Carey, and Melissa A. Clark


Rhode Island Community Profiles 2016, Samantha R. Rosenthal, Anna Cimini, and Stephen Burka


Health, healing, and well-being according to the New Testament, Rush A. Ryan and Basil H. Aboul-Enein


A feasibility study on using smartphones to conduct short-version verbal autopsies in rural China, JIng Zhang, Rohina Joshi, Jixin Sun, Samantha R. Rosenthal, Miao Tong, Cong Li, Rasika Rampatige, Megan Mooney, Alan Lopez, and Lijing L. Yan