"Effective Leadership, Job Satisfaction, & Employee Motivation" by Kathryn Boots

Document Type

Research Paper


The purpose of this quantitative research proposal is to investigate the relationship between effective leadership and employee motivation in the nonprofit field. Effective leadership is a tool sought after in every industry and nonprofit fields are no different. This proposed study will look at the how leadership impacts employee motivation and if job satisfaction plays a mediating role. Keywords below will help define leadership styles and terms used throughout the proposed study. The literature review section examines previous studies conducted in the field of leadership, leadership techniques, as well as team and employee motivation. While effective leadership styles may differ culturally, the findings of this paper emphasize that they change little across industry and are vastly important to both job satisfaction and employee motivation. Data will be obtained through two sets of surveys, one given to leadership and one to staff, administered to 15 nonprofits with comparable staff sizes within Rhode Island. In total 128 surveys will be administered, 98 to staff and 30 to leadership. These surveys will use a Likert scale and assess the different leadership styles, job satisfaction rates, and employee motivation. The interaction of these 3 working aspects will inform best practices in nonprofit management.

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