"Barriers for Women in Career Advancement in the Hospitality Industry: " by Pooja Shrestha

Document Type

Research Paper


The increasing importance of the contribution brought by the hospitality industries particularly tourism in the local as well as world economy is highly remarkable. Today, the hospitality industry is among the fastest growing economic sectors worldwide. In fact, the hospitality industry is recognized to be a multi-billion dollar industry and is still progressing.

Over the last decade hospitality industry has experienced tremendous growth. It’s one of the areas where women are employed in substantial numbers. It has no shortage of women entering the business, but underscores a high inequality in women’s empowerment and career advancement. In recent years, the increased number of women in hospitality industry and their underrepresentation in the top management position has been of great concern. What is limiting women to really “come out” for the more prestigious role? Why do they face different set of barriers between entry into management and upward mobility into management? Why females are unable or unwilling to “puncture” the glass ceiling? To answer this question, this paper focuses on exploring barriers to career advancement in hospitality industry. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the body of knowledge by continuing to shed lights on the barrier women face in their work place that hinders their career advancement.



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