"Does Social Media Affect Consumer Decision-Making?" by Patarawadee Sema

Document Type

Research Paper


PLEASE NOTE: The author has opted not to provide the instrument for their data collection.

Author Note:

Patarawadee Sema, Johnson & Wales University, Feinstein Graduate School
For course: RSCH 5500: Business Information and Decision Making
Professor Martin Sivula, Ph.D., July 30, 2013
The format and style of this paper was a test version.


Does social media affect consumer decision-making? Social media becomes an important communication tool that people use to connect to other people or organization. People use social media to share their experiences, reviews, information, advice, warnings, tips and/or any kind of issues that are interesting to their “connection” or friends. That information is a helpful source, which may influence consumer’s decision-making. Most of studies showed that people use information on social media as the guideline for their future purchase or planning their future trip. Also, social media is used as an advertising for the marketer. Marketers take this advantage and create marketing strategy, which in turn could help them gain more customers. The social media environment is very easy to apply and to reach the reach customer. These benefits give persons convenience to achieve what they are looking for. People tend to believe in what their friends recommend. Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace is the most popular social media site that people share their lifestyle, stories..., or even where they went for vacation. Posting information could lead their friends to do the same thing or use their information to make decisions. The goal of this research report is to ascertain through a review of selected literature on social media its influence on travelers' decision-making for their future vacations.

Citation/Publisher Attribution

Sema, P. (2013). Does social media affect consumer decision-making? Johnson & Wales University, Providence, RI.



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