
Sarah Miller

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Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify factors associated with avoiding healthcare due to fear of discrimination among SGMs. Methods: Data were collected from N=1,316 adult SGMs from February-March 2022 using a web-based survey and recruiting from 100+ Subreddits on Reddit. Healthcare avoidance due to fear of discrimination, sexual and gender minority identity, partnership status, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) score, age, education, income, and race/ethnicity were measured. Multivariable logistic regression was used to evaluate the relationship between all variables and healthcare avoidance due to fear of discrimination. Results: 21.3% (N=280) of SGMs reported avoiding healthcare due to fear of discrimination. All gender minorities (assigned male at birth OR [CI 95%] = 4.85 [2.81, 8.39]; assigned female at birth OR [CI95% =4.57 [2.70, 7.74]) relative to sexual minorities assigned male at birth, individuals with casual partner(s) relative to no partner (OR [95% CI] = 1.79 [1.09, 2.95]), those with higher ACEs scores, and those with lower annual income had increased odds of avoiding healthcare due to fear of discrimination. Conclusions: This study provides novel findings that can inform public health programming to reach SGMs most likely to avoid healthcare services due to fear of discrimination. Findings can also guide practitioners in identifying and providing interventions for those who are at higher risk of avoiding healthcare.

Faculty Mentor

Kelsey Gately, O.T.D., OTR/L

Academic Discipline

College of Health & Wellness



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