"Feeding Interventions for Children with DS" by Acadia Cass, Jayde Monteiro et al.


Acadia Cass, B.S., OT/S; Jayde Monteiro, B.S., OT/S; Venisa Rodriguez, B.S., OT/S

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Children with Down Syndrome (CWDS) often struggle transitioning from liquid to solid foods, which impacts their nutrition and development. Feeding is important due to its role in culture, health management, and social interaction, and feeding deficits can become stressors for children and caregivers. The goal of this systematic review is to synthesize the information on existing interventions for CWDS who have difficulty eating solid foods. Current research suggests that a combination of oral motor skills training, caregiver education and involvement, and food-texture fading techniques are effective to address solid food feeding challenges for CWDS. More research and a generalized guide for parents and pediatricians is needed. This research provides beneficial information to the profession of occupational therapy by supplying vital knowledge about feeding interventions for CWDS. Feeding is an essential part of daily living that all people need to thrive, and the information within this review is important for the DS population and for OTs to successfully contribute to the intervention team.

Faculty Mentor

Tania Rosa, O.T.D., OTR/L

Academic Discipline

College of Health & Wellness



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