
Meghan D’Amico, Arianne Parahoo, Sara Smith, Barbara Bellini

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Current research shows that sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) encounter higher rates of bullying in childhood at a disproportionate rate, compared to cis-gender heterosexual peers. SGMs include, but are not limited to, individuals identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, transgender, and queer. Bullying encompasses repeated behavior that is harmful to another person. The study’s purpose is to determine the association between SGM identity and experiences of bullying in childhood. 1316 participants were recruited via reddit and took part in a digital quantitative cross-sectional study, beginning in February and ending in March of 2022. The survey investigated the correlation of bullying in childhood and sex assigned at birth, gender, sexual orientation, income, race and ethnicity, education level, and income. SGMs face higher rates of bullying than individuals who do not identify as SGMs. The study contributes to research in the field as it highlights the prevalence of childhood bullying amongst SGMs.

Faculty Mentor

Jonathan Mosko, PhD, MSEd

Academic Discipline

BS - Psychology



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