"Achieveing Success, But at What Cost?" by Alexis Shylanski


Alexis Shylanski

Document Type

Digital Slide Show Presentation

Publication Date



The purpose of this project was to emphasize the struggles of having an unhealthy addiction to success. In order to spread awareness of this topic, I created a photo essay with a total of 8 photos. A photo essay is a form of visual storytelling that can present a narrative through images. Within the photo essay, I touch upon what can become of someone’s emotions when they are tunnel-focused on achieving a goal. Although photography doesn’t use the use of words, the emotions portrayed through the images tell a story in hopes of expressing an overarching theme. Moreover, I wanted to challenge myself and attempt to evoke emotions from the audience with this series of photographs.

Faculty Mentor

Alana Perino, M.F.A.

Academic Discipline

College of Engineering & Design

Included in

Engineering Commons



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