"Delta Airlines Rebrand" by Tryphena Elliott


Tryphena Elliott

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The class was tasked with redesigning an existing brand of choice and creating a series of deliverables reflecting the new change. The purpose of this assignment was to create a completely new look for an existing brand, while still keeping it recognizable as the original brand. Delta Airlines was the brand of choice for this project because they are one of, if not the most eco-friendly airline, but their current branding does nothing to reflect these values. This redesign's goal was to make Delta stand out amongst the other airlines, and bring their eco-friendliness to the forefront of their brand with the use of a green color palette and images of nature from various destinations in advertisements.

Faculty Mentor

Karyn Jimenez-Elliott, M.F.A.

Academic Discipline

College of Engineering & Design

Included in

Engineering Commons



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