Welcome to the Center for Research and Evaluation publications and conference proceedings on Hospitality & Tourism.


Submissions from 2012


Error Management at Different Organizational Levels – Frontline, Manager, and Company, Priyanko Guchait, Min Gyung Kim, and Karthik Namasivayam

Submissions from 2010


Do Interesting Things Increase Behavioral Intentions? A Test of the Appraisal Structure of Interest and Relationship between Interest and Behavioral Intention: Applications in the Hospitality Industry, Min Gyung Kim and Anna S. Mattila


The Impact of Mood States and Surprise Cues on Satisfaction, Min Gyung Kim and Anna S. Mattila


The Relationship Between Consumer Complaining Behavior and Service Recovery: An Integrative Review, Min Gyung Kim, Chenya Wang, and Anna S. Mattila