Document Type

Conference Proceeding


This paper was presented at the 26th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE), Salt Lake City, UT, USA. November 6-9, 1996.


This paper provides some suggestions for incorporating MATLAB's Signal Processing Toolbox into a DSP course. Often, in a DSP course, students have difficulties understanding abstract and non-intuitive concepts and seeing their relevance to the practical part of their curriculum. The tools offered by MATLAB's Signal Processing Toolbox, can help to make these concepts more tangible and provide a perspective for students. Some basic tools relevant to an undergraduate DSP course will be introduced, including examples of tool use and graphic results. The tools presented will be applied in the areas of synthesis and analysis of signals, FFT computation, impulse response and convolution, frequency response, the Z-transform, filter design and filter applications.


Citation/Publisher Attribution

S. Neeman, "Incorporating MATLAB's signal processing toolbox into a DSP course at an undergraduate E.E. program," fie, vol. 2, pp. 628-632, 26th Annual Frontiers in Education - Vol 2 (FIE'96), 1996.



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