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Teachers' Perceived Self-Efficacy in Integrating Technology into Pedagogical Practice and Barriers to Technology Integration

Lynne F Burke, Johnson & Wales University


According to Mundy, Kupczynski, and Kee (2012), many teachers use technology primarily for administrative functions. This limits the learning potential students may experience from technology use that expands their thinking and exposes them to relevant applications of content knowledge to real world experiences. If teachers are to grow in their ability to utilize technology beyond the basics, their learning needs must be identified. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to determine teachers' self-efficacy in integrating technology into pedagogical practice and perceived barriers to integration. A review of the literature identified extreme variations in the integration of technology in K-12 education. The major research question guiding this study was: What beliefs do teachers have about their own self-efficacy regarding their ability to utilize and integrate technology into their classroom practice? This study employed a sequential, explanatory, mixed methods design. The quantitative and qualitative approaches were conducted by employing a questionnaire and focus groups, (Creswell, 2009). The instrument was adapted from the work of Hogarty, Lang, and Kromrey (2003) and was based on the Technology Use and Perceptions Survey (TUPS) developed by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology at the University of South Florida. After data collection through an online questionnaire distributed via email to teachers (N=425) from one suburban district in a state in southern New England, two focus groups (N=7) were conducted with questions informed by the quantitative analysis. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, t-tests, and were used to analyze the data. Qualitative analysis was conducted according to the tenants of Krippendoff's (1989) content analysis process and an adapted version of Kreuger and Casey's (2009) classic analysis strategy. Major findings indicate that not all teachers felt prepared and confident to integrate technology in the classroom. Qualitative data indicate that teachers were willing to integrate technology, but many felt ill prepared or unsupported to change their practice. The results of this study may determine specific needs and barriers that must be addressed to advance the use of technology in education. This information may benefit districts as work to support teachers in their efforts to integrate technology into teaching and learning.

Subject Area

Pedagogy|Teacher education|Educational technology

Recommended Citation

Burke, Lynne F, "Teachers' Perceived Self-Efficacy in Integrating Technology into Pedagogical Practice and Barriers to Technology Integration" (2014). Dissertation & Theses Collection. AAI3624471.
