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A case study approach to the perceptions of Edline™, a K–12 technology solution software, at a small Catholic high school in southern Massachusetts

Kenneth A Kokoszka, Johnson & Wales University


Communication technology is perhaps one of the newest trends in education for improving parental involvement. Schools across the world are implementing software programs such as Edline™ in order to strengthen the connection between the home and the school. The purpose of this research study was to evaluate the Edline™ program through the perceptions of its users: teachers, administrators, parents, and students. Stufflebeam's CIPP model, Context, Input, Process, Product, was used as a comprehensive framework for conducting formative and summative evaluations of Edline™. A mixed-methods case study was embedded in this framework in order to collect data about user perceptions. The single case design of the study included administrator interviews, parent and teacher focus groups, and student questionnaires. The major research question guiding this study is as follows: Based on the perceptions of its users, does Edline™ improve parental involvement and the education of the child? The research questions investigated the operational effectiveness of Edine™ as a tool for improving parental involvement. Purposive sampling was used by the researcher to conduct n=3 administrator interviews, n=300 hundred student questionnaires, n=3 parent focus groups, and n=3 teacher focus groups. The research questions investigated user perceptions (teachers, parents, administrators, and students) with respect to Edline™'s effectiveness. These perceptions, in effect, were used to determine whether or not Edline™ improved communication between the home and the school. Recurring themes were triangulated from the survey research to assist the researcher in compiling outcomes of the program. The findings of the research revealed that Edline™ improved communication between the home and the school. Perhaps stated more succinctly, Edline™ made the dissemination of information such as grades and homework convenient, expedient, and accessible. Whether or not Edline™ improves the education of the child is a question that remains indeterminate. A portion of Edline's users feel that the technology is not conducive to developing a culture of independent learners. Another portion of Edline™'s users feel that the technology has provided students with a sense of academic accountability. While the benefits of online grading systems such as Edline™ are endless, there exist many challenges of the Edline™ technology that linger in the peripheral. Chief among these challenges are a focused and sustained vision of change, internal commitment and consistency from teacher-to-teacher, and a general cohesiveness in the use and application of the technology among Edline™'s users. In order for Edline™ to work more effectively as a system, there needs to be more consistency from teacher-to-teacher and more cohesiveness in the structure and vision of the technology. It can be summarily deduced that Edline™ is a great tool that could be an even greater tool with the belief that its novelty and reflection thereof will only lead to its evolution.

Subject Area

Educational administration|Secondary education|Educational technology

Recommended Citation

Kokoszka, Kenneth A, "A case study approach to the perceptions of Edline™, a K–12 technology solution software, at a small Catholic high school in southern Massachusetts" (2009). Dissertation & Theses Collection. AAI3355870.
