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Selected correlates of Rhode Island high school students' English and mathematics achievement

Philip Dean Thornton, Johnson & Wales University


This research identifies contributing demographic factors involved in student achievement. Forty-two Rhode Island public comprehensive high schools were ranked based upon the demographic elements selected for inclusion in this study. The demographic factors in this study include: (1) median family income level, (2) percent of parents as four-year college graduates, (3) percent of children in poverty, (4) percent of single parents, (5) percent of English Language Learners (ELL), and (6) school size. Canonical correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis were performed using the Grade 10 Rhode Island State Assessment Data (2001) in English and Mathematics from the 42 comprehensive public high schools. Results indicated the demographic model consisting of the six demographic variables was highly predictive of student achievement. With the canonical model, the variables involved, predicted 95% of the variance in student achievement. Similarly, the R2 values in the stepwise regression analyses for the four state assessment subtests ranged from 84% to 93%. The percent of parents as four-year college graduates had a slight contribution to Mathematics and English Grade 10 Assessment scores. Predictor variables displayed some degree of multicolinearity, which might cause some instability in the regression models.

Subject Area

Educational tests & measurements|Secondary education|Language arts|Mathematics education|Educational evaluation

Recommended Citation

Thornton, Philip Dean, "Selected correlates of Rhode Island high school students' English and mathematics achievement" (2003). Dissertation & Theses Collection. AAI3106416.
