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Implementing HIPs in Online Courses: Engaging Students in an Asynchronous Environment

April Hodge, Johnson & Wales University


Today’s college students can choose from a multitude of learning modalities. Many students elect to earn their degrees through 100% online college programs; however, online learners present higher attrition rates than their on-ground peers (Grau-Valldosera et al., 2019). Many theorists attempt to explain how students can succeed in college, including Tinto’s academic integration theory (1975, 1993), Chickering and Gamson’s seven principles (1987), Astin’s peer groups model (1993), and his student involvement theory (1984). In 2008, Kuh promoted the use of high-impact practices (HIPs) as part of the student engagement theory, which asserts that students engaged by faculty using these practices have a higher chance of success, ultimately leading to graduation. Yet, to date, minimal research has identified which HIPs in online programs contribute to student engagement. Thus, this qualitative descriptive study explored how faculty described the role of HIPs in engaging asynchronous online learners, guided by the following overarching research question: How do instructors and instructional designers describe their implementation of HIPs to engage students in online asynchronous courses? Interviews with experts (N=2), instructors (N=8), and instructional designers (N=4), along with follow-up reflective questionnaires administered to primary participants (N=12), comprised the data sources for this research. Results from this study may be used to guide online instructors and instructional designers as they implement HIPs to enhance student experiences and increase engagement in asynchronous courses.

Subject Area

Educational leadership|Higher education|Education

Recommended Citation

Hodge, April, "Implementing HIPs in Online Courses: Engaging Students in an Asynchronous Environment" (2024). Dissertation & Theses Collection. AAI30989990.
