"Construct Invariance of the Survey of Knowledge of Internet Risk and I" by Robert K. Gable, Ph.D., Larry H. Ludlow, Ph.D. et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, October, 2010, Rocky Hill, CT.


The wide use of the Internet has the potential for students to become victims of Internet sexual predators or other students who engage in inappropriate cyberbullying behaviors. The key for educational programming efforts targeted for students, teachers and parents is instrumentation that provides meaningful and reliable data assessing students’ knowledge of Internet risk and their actual Internet behaviors. The Survey of Knowledge of Internet Risk and Internet Behavior (SKIRIB) was developed for this type of assessment. Construct invariance of the SKIRIB Knowledge scale regarding gender and grade level is examined for N=2621 middle school and N=1594 high school students using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch rating scale modeling techniques. Implications for future score interpretations are discussed.

Citation/Publisher Attribution

Liu, X., & Marx, H. (Eds.) (2010). Proceedings from NERA 2010: 41st Annual Conference. Rocky Hill, CT: University of Connecticut.



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