Document Type

Research Paper


There are several factors that a company considers when deciding to operate in an international territory or with a foreign company. Factors such as language and culture greatly affect the success of business. Being able to effectively communicate ideas and strategies can be challenging in a new business environment. Determining the importance of language by a company is crucial to its success. Studying another language helps to understand the culture of the studied language which will assist in a corporation’s decision making process. English is a popular language in conducting business; however, communicating in other languages is gaining popularity. The aim of this research proposal is ascertain through questionnaires and interviews distributed in the United States, managers’ and employees’ attitudes and perceptions on foreign language acquisition.. By using this sequential, mixed-method approach, corroboration of survey results with interviews might be achieved. Many countries have made it compulsory to learn a foreign language and the Unites States is attempting to make adjustments accordingly.

Citation/Publisher Attribution

Moreau, R. (2013). The value of foreign languages in business communication. Johnson & Wales University, Providence, RI.



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