Document Type

Research Paper


The advances in computational power and high-speed internet are making digital games more interactive and entertaining as a popular leisure activity, leading to the rapid growth of the gaming industry globally. Game players are spending an increasing amount of time, money and energy to the extent that in many cases it is leading to game addiction (Griffith, 2002). Few games can be used for educational (Freitas & Griffiths, 2007) and medical treatment purpose to accelerate the cognitive learning of human being (Gentile et al.,2009), however, such needs are few. Due to pressure from families, doctors, educational institutions and even law enforcement agencies, policymakers in various countries are forced to come up with video game reduction policies (Király et al.,2018). Such policies are having limited impact because policymakers are struggling with conflicting demand of reducing video game addiction among players and still helping video game industry to flourish. The dilemma is the major reason for the absence of an inclusive game addiction reduction policy. This study will propose areas where policymakers should focus to improve the inclusiveness of the policy.

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