Document Type

Research Paper


The purpose of this research proposal is to investigate the relationship between the impact of ethics on employee performance in a retail environment. The retail industry experiences numerous incidences related to ethics. In this research proposal, key words are listed and briefly described as to their impact. The interpretation of the related literature reveals some of the factors that employees experience that affect their ethical decision making in the workplace, which can impact their performance. Ethical decision making involves both employee and manager input. Ethical climate and leadership impact an employee’s job performance and can provide key insights on managements role in providing an ethical work environment. A set of pre-tested questionnaires will be administered to three hundred and fifty participants. Full-time and part-time employees from five different retail stores will be the unit of study. The questionnaires will be given at two points in time and will be administered six months apart from each other. The questionnaires will also contain identical questions. Results will be used to better understand the role of ethics to motivate employees to perform better at work and encourage a positive work environment.

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Business Commons



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