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Indicants of perceived impact of an emotional intelligence curriculum

Mari Nardolillo-Dias, Johnson & Wales University


This study examines how single mothers who are graduates of a post-secondary technical education program perceive the impact of an emotional intelligence component and the relationship of the impact on the women's effectiveness in maintaining the emotional intelligence competency of impulse control. The women in the study were ages 28 to 50 and graduates of a computer skills training program with an emotional intelligence component. Through the use of a modified behavioral event interview, this research explored the women's views of their experience with technical education with an emotional intelligence component. Moreover, the results provide information on behavioral changes in impulse control. Previous research has been correlational in nature; studies have focused on the predictive value of emotional intelligence competencies in determining an individual's success. The data available on the success of teaching emotional intelligence (EI) competencies has been limited primarily to specific populations who do not possess the characteristics of the sample of this study (Boyatzis, 2001, personal correspondence; Cherniss & Adler, 2000; Frayne & Latham, 1987; Geery, 1997; King, 1999; Vinokur et al., 1991). The results indicate that the emotional intelligence curriculum component impacted subject participants' locus of control orientation, self-efficacy and impulse control. Subject participants reported a change in locus of control orientation from external to internal, an increase in self-efficacy and the ability to maintain employment at a significantly greater hourly wage than the national average. In addition, participants provided cogent examples of effective changes in impulse control in their relationships with their children, supervisors and co-workers.

Subject Area

Educational psychology

Recommended Citation

Nardolillo-Dias, Mari, "Indicants of perceived impact of an emotional intelligence curriculum" (2003). Dissertation & Theses Collection. AAI3106413.
