Presenter Information

Panama Line


Dinner menu aboard the S.S. Ancon, Panama Line, Wednesday, January 17, 1951.

Captain D.H. Swinson, U.S.N.R., Commander; M.I. Gatheral, U.S.N.R., Chief Engineer; W.J. Steffens, U.S.N.R., Chief Officer; Russell T. Downs, Chief Purser; WM. Schwamm, Chief Steward. Chef de Cuisine Chas. Beinert.


Due to the date of this menu it is determined to be part of the S.S. Ancon, Panama Line set of menus.

It is noted on the menu whom the travelers were guests of for this particular dinner.


Jan 16th, 5:00 PM

El Panama, Dinner Menu, Wednesday, January 17, 1951

Dinner menu aboard the S.S. Ancon, Panama Line, Wednesday, January 17, 1951.

Captain D.H. Swinson, U.S.N.R., Commander; M.I. Gatheral, U.S.N.R., Chief Engineer; W.J. Steffens, U.S.N.R., Chief Officer; Russell T. Downs, Chief Purser; WM. Schwamm, Chief Steward. Chef de Cuisine Chas. Beinert.


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