Presenter Information

Canada Steamship Lines


"Weaving" Tuesday, Luncheon menu. Canada Steamship Lines. T.S.S. Richelieu. Date of cruise unknown. Web search indicates the T.S.S. Richelieu sailed in the 1950s, which is consistent with the collection as a whole.



In few places in the world is the hand-loom put to better use than in the rural part of Old Quebec. There it is not a museum piece, but very much a part of every day life. French Canadian handicrafts are world famous and none are better known than the handwoven textiles - the Murray Bay Blanket, "ceinture-flechee" 1 or homespun fabrics woven by the skillful hands of Madame. Almost any day she can be seen in her vast, kitchen-living room, seated at the loom, surrounded by balls of brigbt coloured yarn, with flying shuttle in hand. As she works she sings old French Canadian songs, beating time with the treadle and weaving a little of Old Quebec into every fabric.

1. Long colourful Sashes, having an intricate arrow design throughout.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

T.S.S. Richelieu, Tuesday, Luncheon Menu; "Weaving"

"Weaving" Tuesday, Luncheon menu. Canada Steamship Lines. T.S.S. Richelieu. Date of cruise unknown. Web search indicates the T.S.S. Richelieu sailed in the 1950s, which is consistent with the collection as a whole.


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